“90% of the success of any product or service lies in its promotion and marketing” (Mark Victor Hansen)
Today, marketing is essential at every stage of the economic process, from production to consumption. The goal of marketing is no longer limited to the conquest of a single transaction, but is realized in the satisfaction of a need.
Understanding the needs of the consumer, developing the right product, defining price strategies and communicating everything effectively are the fundamental steps we take with you to promote your offer. We study the best strategy for your company, we use the most effective tools and we obtain concrete, tangible and above all measurable results.
Website, blog, sodai network, SEO, SEM, e-mail marketing and Google AdWords promotional campaigns are some of the tools that can we use to reach the public interested in your product. We consequently jointly analyze the channels that have generated the best result, to maintain or change the strategy.
E-commerce allows you to sell your products online, autonomously managing the catalog articles, orders, payments and receipts, special promotions, warehouse and customer base.
It is the ideal solution for your company if you have the objective of increasing your turnover through the sale of products at the national and international level.
We will create your online store while maintaining an accurate, simple and clear design. Special attention will be given to the SEO to ensure your showcase the most suitable position on search engines. We will carry out the analysis of your company even before creating your portal, in order to suggest the most appropriate solution and the best strategy to boost your sales.
“In Italy, the B2C e-commerce market grew by 11% in 2017 compared to 2016, generating a turnover of 35.1 billion euros. The most significant sectors are tourism and leisure” (Report on the state of the Ecommerce of the Casaleggio Associati)

We design and build Web Sites, with the aim of generating a concrete utility for your business.
With the department dedicated to Web Development, we study solutions with a clean and functional design with the aim of simplifying the user’s browsing experience by making it more fluid and fast.
We take care of providing your site with an appropriate structure, storytelling and the ability to answer the questions of your ideal user.
“Users who browse your site are 5 times more likely to drop it if not optimized for mobile devices” (Source Google)
Precisely for this reason, each website we create is 100% Responsive, to meet the user needs, now increasingly connected with smartphones and tablets.
Finally, being well positioned on search engines with the keywords of your business is essential. We work to ensure that your site is well optimized, to encourage visits, contacts and customers.
Graphic design is an integral part of our daily lives.
Graphic design is represented everywhere: social networks, websites, posters, books, packaging. From small labels on X product boxes to larger and more important elements. Graphic design informs, persuades, organizes, stimulates, identifies, attracts attention and provides pleasure.
Too often the good visual communication is not enough considered for the success of a company or a product. Behind everything there is an idea born from a designer who imagines it and makes it real.
The general opinion that people have of graphics, unfortunately, is often limited to the aesthetic factor only, giving the profession of designer a questionable and subjective value.
The design phase at the base of every visual communication work is not the result of a simple casual intuition but derives from the knowledge of professional skills acquired through study and experience. Good graphics make the difference.
What is the most effective content for sponsoring a company? The Visual Content Marketing is a type of marketing born in 2012, which focuses on the importance of visual communication and has seen a strong expansion in recent years.
In fact, a visual content has the best chance to be shared on SociaI Media compared to other types of advertising.
90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual and this is why images and videos are the most popular visual contents among companies, to communicate their message to consumers and retailers (source: Social Times).
It has also been estimated that 84% of communication in 2018 will be based on visual content, including Social Media, Websites and Video. That’s why we’ll develop for you:
- Creative, original, quality images
- Video
- Infographics (Images with textual overlaps)
- Slide Share Presentation: it is useful to inform and communicate with followers
Do you want to make yourself known to the general public, promoting yourself or your business? Let’s say, then, that today there is no better system than Social Media Marketing!
This very broad discipline will put you in a position to acquire a strong visibility on the web and consequently to make your brand known and offer your products / services to a wide audience.
Social networks can influence the public of each company and especially that of a local business. Being able to get in touch with new customers and retain others already acquired can be a good goal to increase turnover. In a nutshell, by managing your members with Frame in the best possible way, you can achieve:
- Increase of Fans/Followers
- Increased engagement: i.e. the actions that users will take on the posts
- Increasing Brand Awareness
- Managing a Customer Care Member, i.e. managing your customers, their doubts and requests through the Network Members
- Drive your business in real time
- Activate local initiatives quickly
- Collect new contacts Customers for your company and increase online sales
Each year, events require specific attention and special attention to details. Managing all the steps in the creation of an event is becoming increasingly complex.
Both for a consolidated event or a new one, we carefully analyze the theme, or we design an innovative one, and we proceed by graphically creating the elements of communication.
Thanks to our communication department, we are able to promote your event in the best possible way, addressing an audience that may be fully interested.
We will follow you step by step in the choice of a suitable location and in the preparation, to make it as attractive as possible. We will also study the suitable marketing strategies to make the memory of your event indelible.
Our team of photographers and videomakers will help you in this phase and will document the event – taking exclusive photos and video spots.
9 startups out of 10 do not survive the first 3 years of activity. Among the main causes of failure, there are:
- inability to withstand competition (14%)
- the absence of a sustainable business model (11%)
- the inadequacy of the product (9%).
Take your first steps impeccably!
We evaluate your idea and understand together how innovative, functional and achievable it is. We study the best time to launch your business and what are the legal procedures to be carried out. We help you to find financing, to obtain and to choose the most suitable team for your project!
With Frame you will have an entire dedicated team, which will allow you to avoid the most common mistakes and to boost your project, taking your business to the next level!
The press office is the body that creates and disseminates news on behalf of companies and organizations. Its goal is to identify and catch news on behalf of the customer in order to promote companies, events, initiatives and new products, selecting the best national and international communication channels belonging to the sector of reference.
Our dedicated team, in fact, will study press releases capable of arousing the interest of the reader, so as to persuade the editors to publish the news.
In addition, to highlight news of particular importance and interest, we will convene press conferences – which represent a strategic moment and which offer journalists the opportunity to obtain more in-depth information and to make questions and interviews.
We go beyond, using the appropriate tools to measure the results. We will take care of the press review and collect data on the coverage obtained, calculate the value of the coverage and verify the quality of the exposure achieved.
Political marketing aims to fully follow the candidate, in all phases of the Electoral Campaign and to put him in a position to face the challenge with an appropriate program, effective communication and a clear political positioning.
We will help you to create a strong Personal Brand, to create your identity on Social Networks and to transform your weaknesses into strengths and your opponents’ strengths into weaknesses.
We will disseminate your program, coordinate your staff during all operational phases, choose effective communication solutions, while monitoring the communication of your opponents.
We will help you communicate better with your voters and sympathizers to keep them “active” and avoid losing them, even after the elections. In fact, in the post-electoral phase it is essential not to forget who supported you, keeping proposing useful content and information.
In short, we will follow you through all those stages that will allow you to communicate better with the voters and to take vows, even if you start from scratch.